Letter from Franklin Napolean Ivie
Great-Grandson of Franklin Ivie
As far as is known, there are no known records of Franklin Ivie, born in Scotland about 1771, just this recollection of one of the descendants in a letter to a relative:
The following is a transcription of an
original letter from Franklin Napolean Ivie to Jesse Ivie.
(Transcribed and owned by William and Marilyn Rutledge.)
Well Jessee,
Will try to write and tell some things bout my folks, you are mistaken about your grandpa being named Allen I never knew but one Allen Ivie that is your cousin. My fathers name was Rueben Jackson he was Scotch and Dutch. His fathers name was plain John Ivie, he was full blood Scotch but American borned his wife was Elizaabeth Wells a Virginia Dutch. I dont know her people any farther back my great grandfather name was Franklin Ivie him and his wife came from Scotland in a early day I dont know what her name was that is as far back as I know them..my mothers name was Elizzabeth Clark Owen before she was married she was English and Irish her fathers name was Jesse Owen that is were your name came from he was English his wife was Sarah Atkission she was Irish that is as far back as I know them, they were all farmers and my father was a carpenter my mothers father had a tobbaco factory on his farm, and manufactured tobacco both chewing and smoking so that is about all I can tell about them maybe you can make out what I have written, I dont know if you can or not we are well as can be will close, F. N. IVIE
N.B. my father was a primitive Baptist preacher, my parents and grand parents were primitive Baptist as far back as I know anything about them before there were any missionary baptist in any existence...F.N. IVIE.......